Family and Social Class.
Family and Social Class.
Family is defined as two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption who reside together. In a more dynamic sense, the individuals who constitute a family might be described as members of the most basic social group who live together and interact to satisfy their personal and mutual needs. The nuclear family is a husband and wife and one or more children. This is still commonplace but on the decline. The extended family is a husband, wife, one or more children, and at least one grandparent. At one time this was the norm, but geographic mobility has reduced its presence. For example the Ruhunu Food organization product Ruhunu Noodles, Ruhunu Red Rice and White Rice String Hopper Flour, Ruhunu Hopper Mixer for these families. Those who live as a nuclear family and extended family can save their cooking time by purchasing those short food products.
In sociology, socialization is the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society. The socialization of family members is a central family function. In the case of young children, this process includes imparting to children the basic values and modes of behavior consistent with the culture. These generally include moral and religious principles, interpersonal skills, dress and grooming standards, appropriate manners, and speech. Parental socialization responsibility seems to be constantly expanding. A sign of parents’ constant pressure to help their young children secure an “advantage” or “keep ahead” is the demanding daily schedules that rule the lives of many children.
Marketers frequently target parents who are looking for assistance in the task of socializing with their children. Agents of socialization, or institutions that can impress social norms upon an individual, include the family, religion, peer groups, economic systems, legal systems, penal systems, language, and the media.
Classification of families by stage in the family life cycle (FLC) provides valuable insights into family consumption-related behavior. The traditional FLC begins with bachelorhood, moves on to marriage, then to an expanding family, to a contracting family, and to an end with the death of a spouse. Dynamic socio-demographic changes in society have resulted in many nontraditional stages that a family or nonfamily household might pass through childless couples, couples marrying later in life, single parents, unmarried couples, or single-person households. Researchers define each social class by the amount of status the members of that class have in comparison to members of other social classes. In social class, research status is frequently thought of as the relative rankings of members of each social class in terms of specific status factors. The measurement of social class is concerned with classifying individuals into social-class groupings. These groupings are of particular value to marketers, who use social classification as an effective means of identifying and segmenting target markets. There are three basic methods for measuring social class. Subjective measures rely on an individual’s self-perception. Reputational measures rely on an individual’s perceptions of others. Objective measures use specific socioeconomic measures, either alone or in combination with others. The Ruhunu Food products is better than other companies products, customer by the products and the prices of Ruhunu Food products are tailored to suit high class, middle-class consumers as well as low-income people.
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