
Showing posts from June, 2021

Family and Social Class.

  Family and Social Class. Family is defined as two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption who reside together. In a more dynamic sense, the individuals who constitute a family might be described as members of the most basic social group who live together and interact to satisfy their personal and mutual needs. The nuclear family is a husband and wife and one or more children. This is still commonplace but on the decline. The extended family is a husband, wife, one or more children, and at least one grandparent. At one time this was the norm, but geographic mobility has reduced its presence. For example the Ruhunu Food organization product Ruhunu Noodles, Ruhunu Red Rice and White Rice String Hopper Flour, Ruhunu Hopper Mixer for these families. Those who live as a nuclear family and extended family can save their cooking time by purchasing those short food products. In sociology, socialization is the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society. ...


CULTURAL INFLUENCES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR               Ruhunu Foods (Pvt) Ltd, was established in Sri Lanka on 1978 by our Chairman Deshabandhu Mr.Padmasiri Muthumala. Our factory & head office is situated in the Kandy Industrial Park (BOI), Pallekale, Sri Lanka. We are engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of spices and allied products over for forty years. As the reputation continuously grew, today Ruhunu Foods (Pvt.) Ltd. is a fully owned subsidiary of Ruhunu Group of Companies and one of the largest and leading spices manufacturers in Sri Lanka fulfilling the demand of local and foreign citizens of all classes. Ruhunu Foods has been the domestic market leader with the major market share and has expanded the horizon to prospect in the international market through exports.    The study of culture is the study of all aspects of society. It is the language, knowledge, laws, and customs that give society its distinctive chara...

Time with a Leader Daily Report Time with a Leader

Today was our last meeting. So they gave us the opportunity to ask questions about the subject we have.  Here they appraised us and informed us about the educational qualifications we need to further develop our future.  They specifically mentioned the qualities and skills we as graduates need to improve, and ended the final meeting by congratulating us on our future.  Under her guidance, our lecturer Mrs. Sarasi, who provided us the opportunity to discuss subject matters with the staff of Ruhunu Products to enhance our knowledge and practical works as university students in the face of obstacles of the covid - 19 pandemic that has affected the entire world, I and my team of students would also like to thank you for the added Ruhunu Products and the commitment of the staff of that organization.

Time with a Leader Daily report

 Today was our fifth meeting. We discussed about our educational qualifications. They mentioned other educational qualifications that we as graduates of marketing in today's world must meet.  In particular, they said that in order to deal with the world, we need to focus on digital marketing, graphic design, ICT and so on.   When we asked them about CVs, the marketing manager shared his CV with us and gave us an idea of ​​what an important CV should contain.  At the same time he shared  links, videos about CV  with us. The meeting concluded by giving us such valuable information.

Time with a Leader Daily Report

 Today was our fourth meeting. We discussed about recognizing the dynamics of culture and its application to marketing activities. During the meeting Mrs. Sujani introduced her field of working and her working experience with us. It was very important for our knowledge and future.  She also informed us about the educational qualifications and experience she had achieved through her work duties. Specially the qualifications expected from us as students in the job market and what they expect from us in an interview. She  said that education as well as the experience we gain has a very strong impact on job market.

Time With a Leader Daily Report

 Today was our second meeting. In that day our team members interacted  with Ruhunu product  staff. We asked lot of questions from them. They teached what is their company's culture, How culture works as an invisible hand and al ao they teached their comapany's subculture and influence on marketing.  They told they product some different type of curry powders. For a example Sri Lanka is mix cultural country. So they product a special curry powder for Jaffna customers. Hence Ruhunu Products  can catch Sri Lankan Tamil people.                Ruhunu product organization's cultural factors include the basic values, needs, wants preferences, perception and behavior that are observed and learned by a consumer from their new family. members and other important people arround them.

Time with a Leader
